A truly different approach to marketing using psychology and science to inform your go-to market.
We solve complex sales and marketing challenges that affect how your business is perceived.
Marketing + Psychology
Fundamentally, the goals of psychology are the same as marketing – to describe, to explain, to predict, and to change behavior. With such an alignment, you’d think every marketer would be applying psychology, but they aren’t. So, why not?
- Psychology is complex and requires a unique personality type to study.
- Psychologists disagree about what to study and how to study it, which makes it more “squishy” versus something concrete with absolutes.
- The output from psychology is often “intangible” and most agencies are restricted to literal deliverables.
- Psychology’s value isn’t universally held – even insurers don’t cover therapy at the same levels as medicine.
But we believe taking this approach is what differentiates us and our clients – helping create lasting impact.
At STRATAC, we use consumer, cognitive, comparative and clinical psychology to create marketing that is memorable and motivational.

Applying UXD & SEO to Drive Decisions
User Experience Design and Search Engine Optimization are the building blocks we use to form each of our opinions and on which we base our decisions. Used together, we combine qualitative and quantitative content and interactions, and learn about user motivations.
While still an emerging field, we believe that User Experience Design is about improving the quality of an individual’s experience with your company. We help you by understanding and providing what they need and value, while also meeting the demands of what’s best for the growth of the business.
Search Engine Optimization is a series of activities that work to maximize website traffic from a particular audience by way of a search engine, like Google. Traffic equals brand awareness, product/service education, and of course, sales.
We provide realistic solutions based on objective assessments and knowledge of what’s possible given your constraints.
Getting More for Your Investment
- Have one or no marketing professionals on staff
- Gross between $2-15M annually
- Have clearly defined decision makers and stakeholders
- Believe their company has the potential to be better
- Are willing to try new things and to learn from us
How We Work for You
Dedicated &
Our retainers make economic sense – and one of the benefits of being engaged with us as an agency outside your business is that we have our own company culture. You don’t have to worry about keeping us motivated or holding our feet to the fire. We, as a company, value integrity, honesty, and hard work.
No Distractions =
Maximum Impact
We focus on your go to market strategy and tactics so you can make big picture decisions and effectively manage your employees and your roadmap. Our goals are centered around your success and happiness. Fully committed, we work as though we have real equity in your business.
Martech Tools &
We bring a team of seasoned professionals who work cohesively on your account. We possess a wide range of marketing tech stack experience and often include access to tools you need without the additional cost to you. We know which tools work and what skills you should rely on us for exclusively.
Agile Approach =
Iterative Improvements
Like modern software companies, we see the benefit of agile scrum methodology. We believe in remaining flexible and adaptable, while also maintaining a creative, lean, and synergistic relationship with your organization. We know that feedback from you and your customers will lead to better outcomes.
Insights & Analysis
Not every business is in a financial or mental position to engage a full-service UXD agency. For those businesses, we offer project work. In this scope, we will do our best to guide you and provide best practices to help you achieve your immediate goals.
Projects are usually best for when you are aware something is “broken” – whether that’s your reputation, your SEO, your website, your logo, your social media or more… we can help you fix those elements, but first we recommend an audit.

The 8 P’s of UXD
Promotion, Process, Products, Placements, Physical Evidence, People, Pricing, and Psychology